One Day at a Time.

Published on by psoriaticarthritis

Hello everyone,


     Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my stories.  I started this blog not long after I was diagnosed with PA, which was a few months back.  If you have been following my story from the start then you all have read how my father also suffered from this same disease until it help take his life back in 2005.  For all of you that continue to read my story thank you all so very much, and if you have not already done so please join my face book page psoriaticarthritis.  There you can meet others like me.  If you have recently been diagnosed with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis you can also get a lot of helpful info on these diseases there.  Once again thank you all.



     As many of you already know you must take this disease one day at a time.  One day you may feel pretty good just to be slapped in the face the next barely being able to get out of bed you are hurting so much.  Or not wanting to be around people because you are having a break out.  Lately the bad pain days have out numbered the pain free days.  You know sometimes I think it would be so easy to just give up and lay in the bed and try again the next morning.  Hell I have even done that once or twice.  The thing I have come to realize is the more you just wait on a good day to come the less often it does.  These past few weeks I have pretty much had to crawl out of bed.  I was hurting one day so bad that I thought I was going to throw up my back and legs were hurting so bad, and to top it all off my face is broken out so bad I feel like a monster.  Heck for two nights I didn't even sleep, which as of late has not been all that uncommon of a cycle for me.  Today for example I had a person (that I feel is more like a dad to me than a friend who is actually the father in law to one of my best friends and the god father to one of my girls) coming over today to continue helping me redo my kitchen since I had a pipe burst and ruin everything.  I was hurting so bad I could barley walk much less help a whole lot.  I wanted to just crawl in a hole and wait for another day.  Instead I got up and started moving around early to try and loosen up my back, oh and by the way I only slept for a few hours last night and all of that was in the bath tub because that was the only place my back would ease up enough for me to fall asleep.  So there I was up, hurting like hell, and wanting to go back to sleep.  My wife who is my heart and soul brought me some coffee and my morning pills along with some back pain meds.  Of course the pills to not take the pain away but it does help take an edge off a little.  I started trying to stretch and walk around which was helping a little but the pain was out of this world.  LOL I would be lieing if I told you I wasn't hoping Pops would call me and tell me that he could not make it, but he didn't  and around 7;30 or 8:00 am he was at the house.  I will say that I must have offered him cup after cup of coffee to try and stall the start of the work.  But as everyone that knows Pops that only works for a little while. 


     Before I continue my story let me tell you a little about the man my family calls Pops.  I should correct myself and say let me try and put into words who this man is and how much he means to my family and me.    Pops is just you regular person that will do anything for his family and friends, hell I think he would do anything for anybody that actually needed something and are what you would call good people.  Fortunatly Pops happens to be one of my best friends from high school father-in-law, and from my first day of meeting Pops he and NeNe and their family welcomed my family into their lives and we actually all became family.  In the words of my friend and me Pops can do anything, not only can he do anything he always seems to be able to do it better than anyone else.  He can cook, fix things, build things, make you laugh, and most of all he is always there for any of us.  Hell I am not even this mans flesh and blood and no matter how long it has been since we last talked he is only a phone call away.  He has been at my house two weekends in a row helping me tear down sheet rock, replacing sheet rock, and installing all new cabinets.  Over these past few weekends I have had the best time working with Pops even tho I have been hurting.  We have cut up, talked about everything under the sun and I have just really enjoyed his company.  Hell sometimes I have even forgotten about how bad I was hurting.    Words can not explaine what this man means to my family and me.


     Well sry for that detour but I just had to take a min and say those things.  So, where was I?  Oh I remember, I was trying to stall.  Finally Pops told me lets get some cabinets put in, of course he had already noticed how bad I was hurting and asked me all day long if i was ok, which is just Pops.  Always worried about all of us, which is his family and we are all pretty much family.  I pushed through the whole day tired as all get out and hurting to the point that at times I could not even feel my legs, my back was hurting so bad.  At those moments I would ask Pops if he wanted some water so we could take a break.  Thats another thing about Pops, he does not stop, this man is a machine and no one that I have ever met could have the work ethic he has.  Pops is one of a kind! 


     Well I know I am getting off track and all but the point to this is.  That even tho I was hurting so bad through most of the day, I still moved around and worked.  I am not saying it was easy, I am not saying that I would have done the same if Pops would have called and canceled.  What I am saying is that by me working I was able to have brief moments during the day where I blocked the pain out a little.  If I would have just layed in the bed all day I would have just been laying around hurting.  This disease that we have wants us to do nothing, it wants us to give up, it wants us to stop trying and it wants to take over our lives.  It is up to you to not give in, if you are hurting in the morning make your self get out of bed!  Make your self go to work!  Make your self keep living!  Damn it dont give up fight, fight,fight and when you are tired of fighting push harder.  I am not saying it is easy, I am not saying that every day you will win this battle, what I am saying is that at the end I guarantee you that you will have won more battles than you have lost.  God Bless you all.


     Oh and Thank you Pops and Ne Ne for just being you.  I love you both!!!

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<br /> So awesome CJ!! Brings tears to my eyes!! I'm so sorry you hurt & wish we could take the pain away! You, Jen, & the Girls are some of the greatest friends/family anyone can ask for!! We<br /> love y'all!! Sure hope you feel better!!<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Thanks, you Ben and the boys also mean the world to us.  Ben and I had been close before but then we lost touch.  God knew what he was doing when he brought us all together when he<br /> did.  In doing so not only did he bring him and me closer together but he blessed me with putting you and the boys in my life.  We love you guys so much and there is not a day that goes<br /> by that I do not think about you all.  Please remember if you all ever need anything we are just a phone call away.  Love you<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />