Great support site.

Published on by psoriaticarthritis

Hey all,


     First I just want to take a min and thank each and every person that has taken time out of their busy lives to read my blog.  I am very honored that you do this.  Thank you all so very much.


     Well last blog I spoke about the connection of Agent Orange and Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis.  At this point the gov. does not agree with this, how do we truely know for sure what is the cause however we do know that this disease is our immune systems attacking our bodies.  You know some people will only want this to be found true only for monetary reasons, I for one would just like them to do some major testing of this theory.  Just give me a reason why my father and I have this disease.  For anyone who did have a parent serve in Vietnam that is suffering from complications due to Agent Orange this one support group is awesome and I suggest going to this site and contact them to join.  They have a set up similar to FB and My Space.  Here is the link. .


     I hope everyone had a great weekend.  My weekend was pretty good, helped a uncle of mine remove a engine which was nice because we had a chance to talk and catch up on a lot of things.  Plus he is my father's brother and I enjoy hearing the stories of him and my dad.  It also felt good to be able to do some manual labor and not hurt the whole time.  will say that as the day went on I started hurting but I am not sure if it was my PsA or that I am just not use to doing this kind of work.  It was also the first time I have ever pulled a engine and it was neat.  After that I set up the pool and filled it up, while it was filling I pressure washed the carport because I did not know that the oil and transmission fluid needed to be drained before you pull a engine.  My uncle told me that we assumed that I knew this.  I laughed and told him when it comes to stuff like this do not assume anything.  It was no big deal stuff cleaned up pretty good.  I will say by the end of the day I was hurting pretty good and was exhausted.  Still not sure if it is because I am out of shape or the PsA.


     I slept in pretty late this morning plus had a long nap.  I am hurting pretty bad today not sure if it is soreness or sorness and the PsA.  It is ashamed to be unsure of why my body feels pain.  I do have to take a Enbrel shop when I get through with the blog and I will take a Celebrex tonight, along with some pain reliever.  LMAO for a 34 year old it sounds like I am 70 ish having to take all kinds of meds because of pain.


    Later this week it will be my father's birthday.  Last year I did not go to the grave site; however, I am going to try my best to go and bring the girls.  The last time they were there they were around 2 or 3 years old.  They have asked some questions about their grand father so I think it is a good time to bring them there.


     I still sit back each and every day and feel so blessed that this disease is no where near as bad for me as it is for so many of you out there.  A lot of times I feel that I should just shut up and not waste all of your time reading about my little issues, when there are so many out there that can hardly walk.  Along with the people out there that have P so bad that just the touch of someone on their skin hurts, or the water from a shower hurts.  I really hope I am not only just talking about myself and when people read this they can see the whole picture.  They can see each and every person out there that suffers from this disease.  I started this to try and make everyone aware of this disease and to help spread knowledge of this disease and treatments found to everyone out there.  I created the FB page so everyone around the world could have a place to connect and share there success and failure in their treatment.  There are plenty of other social networking places where someone can do this.  is a great place that I go to along with the National Psoriasis Foundation.


     Well that is it for tonight hope you all have a great night.  Also please go check out EZ Goen's doc.

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